Lately I’ve Been Feeling Exactly Like This, 2019
This is the oldest of my work that I am still willing to publicly share. “LIBFELT” was a monthly creative challenge I gave myself the summer after finishing my undergraduate degrees — one of which was a minor in Technology, Art, and Media Design (TAM) — to force myself to work with creative formats OTHER than video. Each visual piece is paired with a soundtrack that I felt reflected my feelings at the time and that I felt complemented the visuals.
Pieces were created using a combination of 35mm and 120mm film photography, Adobe After Effects, Cinema4D, and P5.js Javascript coding.
While I do not regularly use these mediums in my current work, I believe that my previous experience and familiarity with them have enabled me to be a better cinematographer.
Chapter I
Ilford HP5 Plus + Canon A1, Adobe After Effects. Song: The Parting Glass by Wailin’ Jennys
Chapter II
Cinema 4D. Song: Roses Dipped in Gold by Alina Baraz
Chapter III
Adobe After Effects. Song: Sentimental by WMD
Chapter IV
Adobe After Effects. Song: We Each Take One by On Earth
Chapter V
P5.js/Javascript (generative programming), Adobe After Effects. Song: Heat Lightning by Grace Lee
Chapter VI
Adobe After Effects. Song: Spare-Ohs by Andrew Bird
Chapter VII
P5.js/Javascript. Song: Can’t Put You Down by Lonely Benson
Chapter VIII
Mamiya RZ67 Medium Format, Ilford HP5 Plus 120mm. Model: Lauren Lamp. Song: unknown